2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

President Dean Lundgren called the meeting to order, which was held on the Kinney property at 459 Davisville Road, at 4:00 pm on a beautiful sunny day.

In his welcome, he read an excerpt from the 1986 Book of Falmouth regarding the historical aspects of the Davisville area. He introduced Mary Ellen Alwardt, president of the East Falmouth Village Association. He also recognized that this weekend of the Annual Meeting was the celebration of Mary Alice Kinney’s 100th Birthday; Mary Alice was the first secretary of the Davisville Civic, 67 years ago.

Vice President Mike Kinney introduced our guest speaker, Kristen Rathjen, representing the Town of Falmouth Water Quality Committee. Kristen provided a well-received report focusing on: Bournes Pond, Green Pond, and Menauhant – Menauhant Bridge replacement, Menauhant West Beach nourishment, and status of the former deteriorated Menauhant Bridge. Kristin responded to many excellent questions from the attendees.

Minutes of the 2018 Davisville Civic Association Annual Meeting were approved as distributed.

John Driscoll, Treasurer, presented the financial report for the year ending June 30, 2019, with revenue of $1,100; expenses of $1,515; and assets of $6,700. Include in expenses was an approved donation of $500 to the East Falmouth Library Outdoor Children’s Garden.

John noted that for 2019 we have more than 35 new members of the association.

The President presented a Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation, authorized by the Board, to Priscilla Moor, in recognition of her lifetime of service in leadership positions on the Davisville Association Board, as well as service to the Town of Falmouth, both as a Town Meeting Member and her involvement in various environmental issues.

The President’s written report was distributed to all attendees.

The meeting approved candidates for each of the available positions as follows: President Dean Lundgren; Vice President Mike Kinney; Treasurer John Driscoll; Clerk/Secretary John Chapman. Board Members for three-year term ending in 2022: Len Miele; Maureen O’Connell; and Sid Pomper.

The board distributed a questionnaire to attendees regarding desire for 1) communication by email, and 2) development of a Davisville Civic Association Website. The results of the survey were overwhelming (>75%) support for each of these. A committee has been appointed by the President to begin such development.

There was a time allotted for open questions and answers.

Barbara Schneider commented on three topics: Menauhant, litter, and the Falmouth Dog Park.

Next Annual Meeting will be Saturday, July 25, 2020 at 4:00 pm in same location.

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