

The organization by-laws require an Annual Meeting every year on the last Saturday of July. Additional Meetings may be called, as necessary, by the President or by the directors.

Typically, Board Members and Officers meet once/year, as called by the President; and more frequently if issues necessitate. The meetings may be either in person or by conference call, or a combination, as some Board Members and Officers are seasonal and others year-round residents.



The treasurer presents a financial report each year at the July Annual Meeting. Highlights of the 2023 report include:

  • Revenue of $4,958.83, primarily from membership dues

  • Expenses of $2,610.26

  • Assets of $8,337.16, as of June 30, 2023



Management of Davisville Civic Association (DCA) is by members who are elected to their positions by attendees at the Davisville Civic Association Annual Meeting, held each year on the last Saturday in July.

The DCA Board consists of the following:

  • Four Officers (president, vice president, treasurer, and clerk/secretary) elected annually

  • Nine Board Members, three elected each year for a three-year term, resulting in some measure of continuity from year to year