Our Mission

The purpose of the Davisville Civic Association (DCA), according to its Articles of Organization, is five-fold:

  1. Foster and promote civic betterments for the benefit of the Davisville area and its residents;

  2. Assist in maintaining the Davisville area as an attractive and historic residential area;

  3. Aid, promote, and support any project which enhances Davisville as a residential and historic area;

  4. Foster and promote appropriate traffic safety and environmental standards for the area;

  5. Oppose any project or projects which detract from Davisville as an attractive residential or historic area or which present undesirable environmental problems or undue traffic or safety hazards in the area.


Future Goals and Plans

An important objective of DCA is to have the organization become even more effective and valuable to its constituency:

  • Build upon the strong tradition from its 67 years of effective existence

  • Implement and enhance newly established website and email distribution capability

  • Consider possibilities for social events by surveying members, including appropriate funding mechanisms

  • Use Annual Meeting as an opportunity to get input, via survey, on items of potential enhancements

  • Begin planning for a 70th Anniversary Celebration in July 2022!

  • Continue being pro-active with Town governance structures (both elected and appointed Officials) as well as Key Departments on areas of interest, need, or concern relating to Davisville

  • Grow the membership!