2022 Annual Meeting Minutes

President Dean Lundgren welcomed all the attendees on July 30, 2022, at 4:00 PM, when he called the 2022 Davisville Civic Association Annual Meeting to order on the Kinney property at 459 Davisville Road. Being President, he said you always worry if it's going to rain, so he declared the meeting a success since it wasn't raining.

Following the welcoming of attendees, President Dean Lundgren spoke of his parents bringing him to Davisville since 1942, when he was 6 weeks old. He just celebrated his 80th birthday and announced that he will be stepping aside as President at the conclusion of the 2022 Annual Meeting.

Guest Speakers

We had two Annual Meeting guest speakers this year.

Dr. Andrew Ashton, Associate Scientist
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

Our first guest speaker was Dr. Andrew Ashton, an Associate Scientist with Tenure at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), and a member of the Coastal Resiliency Falmouth Task Force. View a copy of the Falmouth Coastal Resiliency Report, one that is of importance to all of us living in the Davisville area.

Dr. Andrew Ashton, an expert on Coastal Resiliency and Coastal Geomorphology, spoke about the grant from the state of Massachusetts for the MVP Program, which would provide funding to conduct a study on Surf Drive and Coonamessett Pond Restoration. He also spoke about sea levels rising, flooding percentages, climate change, and erosion on Menauhant Beach.

Barbara Schneider, from the Beach Committee, added that the committee was trying to becoming more proactive about the sustainability of Falmouth’s beaches after the last report came out in June 2021. She said they are looking for more people to get involved.

Dr. Andrew Ashton talked about beach nourishment. He answered questions about the weakest link of vulnerability from the Coastal Resiliency Report, what makes erosion happen, and long-term shoreline change.

Peter McConarty, Department Head of Public Works
Town of Falmouth

Our Second guest speaker was Peter McConarty, Town of Falmouth, Department Head of Public Works. Peter came back to give an update on the Menauhant Bridge and Beach Project. Peter has become a "Great Friend to Davisville" and was helpful in making safe access from the beach into the ocean at the Davisville Road Extension Beach on June 17, 2022, which is very much appreciated.

Peter McConarty tagged on to Barbara Schnieder’s comments about a Beach Management Plan regarding erosion and spoke of how the DPW is using a drone to take pictures of the entire beach to record the movement of the sand on the beach.

Peter then referenced his presentation at the Davisville Civic Association’s Annual Meeting last year about the Menauhant Bridge and Beach Project, and said that they were ready to go, but were waiting on final permits from the Federal level (Army Corps of Engineers). The Town of Falmouth has still not received the Federal permits, so the Menauhant Bridge and Beach Project will likely not start until the end of August 2023. The cost of the funding for the bridge was estimated at $5.5 million in 2014 and will likely increase due to the gap in time. The plan includes increasing the length of the bridge from the current 45 feet to a 90-foot span. There will be a sidewalk on the south side, and a 2-foot curb on the north side.

Peter also talked about the Traffic Management Plan during bridge construction. Detours would include Acapesket Road, and he expressed his concern about Acapesket not having a traffic light to access Route 28 without backups and delays. He suggested that the Town of Falmouth may have to work with MassDOT to rent temporary traffic lights. The bridge will be out for two years and is now expected to be completed by Summer 2025.

Treasurer’s Report

John Driscoll, Treasurer, presented the Financial Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022. Expenses were more this year due to enhancements to upgrade the database and internet capabilities. Dues were not included in this report as they were received after July 1, 2022. The Association has collected $2,300 in dues since June 30, 2022. John indicated that the Association is in good financial standing order.

Dean then talked about the benefits of membership, highlighting how members can learn from informative and relevant guest speakers and receive updates on items of interest as well as gain effective access to Town of Falmouth Officials and Departments and representing all residents of the area.

President’s Report

The President's Report was distributed to all attendees. Dean spoke about celebrating his 80th birthday and recited a quote from George Burns who said on his 90th birthday, "If I had known that I would live this long, I would have taken better care of myself." He then commented on the following:

• We've had great annual speakers today

• Under Peter McConarty's leadership, we've gotten remediation of Davisville Extension Beach

• We’ve grown our membership considerably

He thanked board member, Carol McLeod, for maintaining the content on the Association’s website and executing emails to keep members informed about relevant developments on the Davisville peninsula. He also thanked board member, Libby Hearne, for her systems expertise that assists the Association in its mailings as well as managing our membership database.

Annual Meeting Ballot

The Annual meeting ballot was taken up.

President - John Chapman
Vice President - Mike Kinney
Treasurer - John Driscoll
Clerk/Secretary - Peggy Gallagher

Board Members:
Term ending 2025: Len Miele*; Maureen O'Connell*; Sid Pomper*
Term ending 2024: Dennis Conry; Libby Hearne; Stefanie Hoffer
Term ending 2023: Dean Lundgren*; Carol McLeod; Joe Sullivan

*Names need to be elected. Officers are elected each year. Board members are elected for three-year terms, on a staggered term.

Outgoing President Dean Lundgren then announced the recommendation of John Chapman on the ballot as Presidential candidate. He introduced John and spoke about his background and family.

John Chapman greeted the audience and expressed how hard it will be to take over from Dean in the role as President, but happy to step into these shoes. He extended his appreciation for all the help and heavy lifting that goes on behind the scenes.

Dean Lundgren has agreed to stay on the Board to help with the Presidential transition to John Chapman for the term ending 2023.

No one was nominated for any open positions.

A voice vote was taken on the ballot. All those, against the ballot was asked, and there were no replies. All those, in favor of the ballot was asked, and a unanimous "aye" was heard.

Closing Comments

Dean Lundgren then gave out a number of ‘thank yous' to: all the Board Members for doing their "sun dances" for the great weather; our excellent speakers Dr. Andrew Ashton and Peter McConarty; the Kinney's for the use of their property; Len & Stephanie Miele for the use of their public address system, tables and chairs; Maureen O'Connell for refreshments; Libby Hearne for her expertise in systems capability; John Driscoll for treasurer functions; and to John Chapman for his willingness to serve. Dean believes John will do an excellent job in the role. He also thanked all the Officers and Board Members for their efforts as well as all those who attended.

Dean then talked about the expansion of the Emerald Community Gardens.

Questions were then asked about the "West Menauhant" signs that are being put up everywhere. Barbara Schneider, being from East Falmouth, spoke of being upset about the signs. She has been taking them down when she sees them but had no information on who/why they're being put up. She also asked for help in cleaning up the beaches due to understaffing.

President Dean Lundgren then thanked everyone for the opportunity to serve as President, and thanked his wife, Jill, for her support while serving. He said it's been a great experience to serve as President.

Thank you, Dean, for your years of service as President. Thank you to all the Officers and Board Members who serve. Have a great rest of the year!

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