2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

It was a beautiful sunny Davisville afternoon on July 31st at 4:00 pm when President Dean Lundgren called the 2021 Davisville Civic Association Annual Meeting to order on the Kinney property at 459 Davisville Road.

Following his introduction where he referenced the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic, which forced the cancellation of the 2020 Annual Meeting, he welcomed all the attendees to the 2021 Annual meeting.

Our Annual Meeting Speaker this year was Peter McConarty, Town of Falmouth, Director of Public Works. The forthcoming project related to Menauhant Bridge and Beach is likely the most relevant issue to the residents of Davisville in the last decade at least. We were delighted that Peter was able to join us and to discuss the following issues:

  • Bournes Pond Inlet Widening

  • Bournes Pond New 90-Foot Span Bridge

  • New Groins at Menauhant Beach West

  • Menauhant Beach West Beach Nourishment

  • Old Menauhant Bridge Remnants

Peter’s presentation was excellent, as was his response to questions raised by the attendees. He stayed through and following the meeting to respond to many relevant issues. Read more detailed notes on Peter McConarty’s presentation. In brief summary:

  1. The likely expected duration of the construction will be from September 2022 through the spring of 2024.

  2. During that period, the road between Menauhant Beach West and Menauhant Beach East will be closed.

  3. The span of the new bridge will increase from the current 45 feet to 90 feet.

  4. Dredging, new groins, and beach nourishment will enhance Menauhant Beach West.

  5. The remaining remnants of the former bridge, which went out of service in the mid-1980s, will be removed.

With input from Town staff, regular updates on status and progress will be provided on the Davisville Civic Association website. Attendees really appreciated Peter’s presentation; he indicated that his comments were based on project status on the day prior to our 2021 Annual Meeting.

John Driscoll, Treasurer, presented the Financial Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021. Income was $1,120; expenses were $832; for net income of $288. As a result, assets increased from $6,768 to $7,056. Fiscal 2021 expenses were lower because of the cancellation of the 2020 Annual Meeting. John noted that the Association remains in a strong financial condition, especially in the event of unforeseen expenses.

The Annual Ballot for Officers and Board Members was distributed and discussed, prior to the formal election. The four officers are elected each year for a one-year term. The nine Board Members are elected for three-year terms, with three candidates for election each year. Also, this year, because of the cancellation of last year’s Annual Meeting, the three Board Members with terms ending in 2023 were re-elected. The president thanked Clayton Moore for his years of service as a Board Member, as Clay has decided not to seek election for another term. As a result of the election, below you will find the current slate of leadership persons for the coming year:

President – Dean Lundgren
Vice President – Mike Kinney
Treasurer – John Driscoll
Clerk/Secretary – Peggy Gallagher

Board Members:
Term Ending 2024: Dennis Conry; Libby Hearne; Stefanie Hoffer
Term Ending 2023: John Chapman; Carol McLeod; Joe Sullivan
Term Ending 2022: Len Miele; Maureen O’Connell; Sid Pomper

When you have an opportunity, please thank these individuals for their willingness to serve on your behalf. We are delighted to welcome both Peggy Gallagher and Stefanie Hoffer to their respective positions. By joining this team, they are both lowering the average age and adding two more women. As a result, currently five of the thirteen elected leadership are now women!

The President’s Report was distributed, covering the 24 months since the 2019 Annual Meeting. He commented on the following:

  • Development of an Association website and email capability under the leadership of Board Member, Carol McLeod

  • Significant growth in both membership and Annual Meeting attendance because of more sophisticated mailing methodology and enhanced system capability with efforts led by Board Members, Libby Hearne and John Driscoll

Dean also noted that in view of the special place Davisville is that it should be a civic responsibility to be a member of this association.

A Questionnaire was distributed to attendees who were requested to fill it out and return it prior to departing the meeting. If you were unable to do so, you can submit the Questionnaire online. The topic covered were:

  • Effectiveness of the Association

  • Feedback on Association Website and Email Capability

  • Ideas for next year’s 2022 Annual Meeting – the 70th Anniversary of the Association

  • Recommended Names for Future Board Members

Feedback from the Questionnaire is currently being analyzed and will be reported back to the Association following review by the Officers and Board.

During the question/answer session, the following topics were addressed/reported:

  • Concern has been expressed regarding recent vandalism of mailboxes on the paved Davisville Road. Does anyone have any video footage of this?

  • Report by Barbara Schneider on 1) Sustaining beaches; 2) Attracting more summer employees for unfilled positions; and 3) Future announcement of “no single sale” plastic bottles.

One sign of an effective/thriving non-profit entity is a growing organization. The Board is delighted to note first that we currently have the largest paid membership we’ve ever had, and second, the highest attendance we’ve ever had at an Annual Meeting. In both cases, the number is 140, or for 2021 a 40% increase over our previous best ever paid membership and meeting attendance.

Best Wishes for a Great Year!!

Carol McLeod Design