2023 Davisville Civic Association Annual Meeting


Saturday, July 29, 2023 at 4:00 PM

Property Lawn at 459 Davisville Road, East Falmouth

Sunday, July 30, 2023 at 4:00 PM (same location)

Meeting Agenda

The Davisville Civic Association Officers and Board Members are pleased to report that the Association is strong and growing and is in sound financial health. Over the past few years, the Association membership has steadily increased to 135 members currently. Our recent Annual Meetings have been characterized by the largest attendance in our 70+ years of existence.

Again, this year, our agenda will include several topics of significant interest to all of us in Davisville. For your information, half of our membership are year-round residents and the other half are seasonal. As usual, there are several important and relevant topics on our meeting agenda:

Menauhant Bridge and Beach Project

During our previous two Annual Meetings, we received reports from Peter McConarty, Falmouth Department Head of Public Works on this key project. As of early May 2023, according to Peter, the Public Works, along with State Senator Moran and Board Member Joe Sullivan, have been reaching out to Congressman Keating’s Office for assistance with the license. At the current time, they do not yet have the license and do not expect the license until July. We will update at the Annual Meeting.

Proposed Changes in New Regulations for Title V Septic System

Under the proposed new regulations, homeowners in designated “nitrogen-sensitive areas” near estuaries and embayments, which includes the Davisville Peninsula, will be required to upgrade their septic systems within five years unless their community files for a watershed permit.

Cape Cod Canal Bridge Construction

Those of us who recently were required to deal with delays getting on and off Cape Cod, during the recent Sagamore Bridge repair, know how important good, safe, and timely access to Cape Cod is, in terms of lifestyle and economic value. There appears to be precious little progress regarding the myriad approval and funding processes for this essential infrastructure. Concurrently a significant level of inflation is rapidly raising the cost of this project, now to perhaps as high as four BILLION dollars!

While not yet confirmed, we will have a combination of report(s) and speaker(s) address these and other topics at our Annual Meeting.

The agenda will also include: the Annual President and Treasurer Reports, election of proposed officers and board members, and open time for questions and answers.  Please don’t miss this meeting – each topic should be important to you as a resident of Davisville!

The Mission of the Davisville Civic Association is to:

a) Foster and promote Davisville civic betterments.
b) Maintain Davisville as an attractive and historic residential area.
c) Aid, promote, and support projects which enhance Davisville.
d) Foster and promote traffic safety.
e) Oppose projects which detract from the desirability of Davisville.

Over the years, the Benefits of Membership have included:

1) Opportunity to know your neighbors and fellow residents.
2) Have a collective voice in matters affecting the area.
3) Learn about and appreciate the history of this special place.
4) At the July Annual Meeting, learn from relevant speakers and receive updates on issues.
5) Have access to Town of Falmouth Officials and Departments
6) Help maintain and enhance property values through making this a highly valued neighborhood.

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