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2021 Annual Meeting

Speaker at Davisville Civic Association Annual Meeting (July 31, 2021) Announced

We are pleased to inform you that Peter McConarty, Town of Falmouth Director of Public Works, will be our invited speaker at our Annual Meeting to be held at 4 PM on July 31, 2021, at 459 Davisville Road.

(Rain date next day, August 1st, same time, same location.)

Peter, in his remarks, will be covering all things Menauhant, related to the planned projects for Bournes Pond and Menauhant Beach, including but not limited to:

a) Bournes Pond Inlet Widening
b) Bournes Pond New 90-foot Span Bridge
c) New Groins at Menauhant Beach West
d) Menauhant Beach West Beach Nourishment
e) Old Menauhant Bridge Remnants

The Davisville community is one of the most significant parts of Falmouth to be affected by the construction and eventual completion of this major project. Among the topics which Peter will address are the expected timing, impact, and completion of the above project. We have set aside about twenty minutes for this agenda topic, with 10 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions.

We are truly fortunate to have Peter join us, as he is among the most knowledgeable persons on this important activity which will affect Davisville.

While Peter is with us, I am sure he would be willing to answer questions about other activities of The Public Works Department.

For those of you who do not know Peter and his background, the following is a brief highlight. Peter, who has the professional credentials of P.E. and P.L.S., joined the DPW (Department of Public Works) as a staff engineer in 2007. He was promoted to town engineer in 2012 and deputy director in 2015. Upon his appointment as Director of Public Works in March 2020, the then Chair of the Select Board stated, “We are thrilled to have someone stepping into this position who brings the level of experience that Peter does and the personality that he has. We’ve seen him working with the men and women in his department, and it’s such a great relationship.”

We are excited that Peter will be joining us and are sure that you will be interested in hearing his comments and responding to questions.

Dean Lundgren, President, Davisville Civic Association (on behalf on your officers and board members)